Sudenmarja T-Shirts and Tote Bags with cover illustration from Sudenmarja Zine II: Traditio on tulen siirtämistä eteenpäin (Tradition is Passing On the Fire) screenprinted by the good people of Primeval Vision on Earth Positive organic fair trade shirts and Westford Mill organic cotton tote bags. Edition of 27 shirts and 40 tote bags.
The illustration features a Siberian Jay (Perisoreus Infaustus; kuukkeli in Finnish), which – contrary to the unfortunate meaning of its Latin name – was rather considered a good omen in Finnish folkore. The Siberian Jay was also considered to be a form of “sielulintu” or soul bird. In Finnish folk belief man’s soul was thought to consist of three parts. “Henki” or the spirit represented man’s vital force, and in death – or sometimes in dream – it would escape in the form of a soul bird. Many peoples of northern boreal forests also share a belief that in death a hunters soul would transmigrate into the Siberian Jay.
Sudenmarja T-Shirt & Tote Bag
Released April 16, 2019
Sudenmarja T-Shirts and Tote Bags with cover illustration from Zine II screenprinted by the good people of Primeval Vision on Earth Positive organic fair trade shirts and Westford Mill organic cotton tote bags. Edition of 27 shirts and 40 tote bags.
T-Shirts available in following sizes:
Men: S, M, L
(Men’s sizes larger than usual, S is like regular M size, M like L size, etc.)
Women (Open neck model): S
T-Shirt 20 €
Tote Bag 12 €
T-Shirt + Tote Bag 30 €
Local pick-up also possible in Tampere.
Order at Sudenmarja Bandcamp or by email at
1–3 kasettia 3,50 € / 4 tai useampi kasetti 4,90 €
1 zine 3,50 € / 1 zine + 1 kasetti 3,50 €
2 zineä tai 1 zine + 2 kasettia tai useampi tuote 4,90 €
T-paita tai kangaskassi 3,50 € / useampi tuote 4,90 €
1 Cassette 3,50 € / 2–3 Cassettes 5,25 € / 4–6 Cassettes 5,25 €
T-Shirt or Tote Bag 5,25 € / T-Shirt and Tote Bag 5,25 €
Ask for postage for larger orders.
1 Cassette 4,00 € / 2–3 Cassettes 7,00 € / 4–6 Cassettes 12,25 €
T-Shirt or Tote Bag 7,00 € / T-Shirt and Tote Bag 12,25 €
Ask for postage for larger orders.
Postage prices are for unregistered letter with no tracking number. For larger orders or distro offers ask for prices. Postage and product prices are for email orders, prices on Bandcamp may be slightly higher.
Accepted payment methods: PayPal and IBAN bank transfer (euro zone) accepted.