A repress on pink cassette of the sold out Lauri Ainala & Olli Aarni: “Orpokotijuhlat Saarella (Maagillinen Teatteri live 9.9.2016) is now available to order by email or on the Sudenmarja Bandcamp page. The recording is also available as a free download on Bandcamp. You can also catch a copy of the tape at one of Sudenmarja’s distributors.
The cassette holds a unique live performance by Lauri Ainala and Olli Aarni of Lauri Ainala’s work “Orpokotijuhlat Saarella”, a haunting piece of minimal ambient consisting of field recordings made over several years by Lauri Ainala at Orpokotijuhlat revival meeting at Saari Church and additional live effects and electronics by Olli Aarni, recorded live at Maagillinen Teatteri free festival at Onkiniemi cultural factory, Tampere, Finland, 9.9.MMXVI.
Lauri Ainala & Olli Aarni:
Orpokotijuhlat Saarella
(Maagillinen Teatteri live 9.9.2016)
Sudenmarja 001
Released April 14, 2017
Lauri Ainala and Olli Aarni live performance of Lauri Ainala’s work “Orpokotijuhlat Saarella”. A haunting piece of minimal ambient, the work consists of field recordings made over several years by Lauri Ainala at Orpokotijuhlat revival meeting at Saari Church and additional live effects and electronics by Olli Aarni. Recorded live at Maagillinen Teatteri free festival at Onkiniemi cultural factory, Tampere, Finland, 9.9.MMXVI.
Available formats:
Lauri Ainala & Olli Aarni:
Orpokotijuhlat Saarella
(Maagillinen Teatteri live 9.9.2016)
Pink C40 Cassette Tape 2019 Repress
6 €
Live recording of Lauri Ainala and Olli Aarni performing Lauri Ainala’s work “Orpokotijuhlat Saarella”. C40 Chrome Cassette with plastic case and printed insert, edition of 99 copies.
Lauri Ainala & Olli Aarni:
Orpokotijuhlat Saarella
(Maagillinen Teatteri live 9.9.2016)
White C40 Chrome Cassette Tape
Live recording of Lauri Ainala and Olli Aarni performing Lauri Ainala’s work “Orpokotijuhlat Saarella”. C40 Chrome Cassette with plastic case and printed insert, edition of 99 copies.
Lauri Ainala & Olli Aarni:
Orpokotijuhlat Saarella
(Maagillinen Teatteri live 9.9.2016)
Limited Edition Box Set
Live recording of Lauri Ainala and Olli Aarni performing Lauri Ainala’s work “Orpokotijuhlat Saarella”. Special version in handmade box with gold colour linograph print, includes cassette, fold-out insert with Lauri Ainala intervew, five photographic inserts and communion wafer. Edition of 21 copies.
Order at Sudenmarja Bandcamp or by email at sudenmarja.julkaisut@gmail.com.
1–3 kasettia 3,50 € / 4 tai useampi kasetti 4,90 €
1 zine 3,50 € / 1 zine + 1 kasetti 3,50 €
2 zineä tai 1 zine + 2 kasettia tai useampi tuote 4,90 €
T-paita tai kangaskassi 3,50 € / useampi tuote 4,90 €
1 Cassette 3,50 € / 2–3 Cassettes 5,25 € / 4–6 Cassettes 5,25 €
T-Shirt or Tote Bag 5,25 € / T-Shirt and Tote Bag 5,25 €
Ask for postage for larger orders.
1 Cassette 4,00 € / 2–3 Cassettes 7,00 € / 4–6 Cassettes 12,25 €
T-Shirt or Tote Bag 7,00 € / T-Shirt and Tote Bag 12,25 €
Ask for postage for larger orders.
Postage prices are for unregistered letter with no tracking number. For larger orders or distro offers ask for prices. Postage and product prices are for email orders, prices on Bandcamp may be slightly higher.
Accepted payment methods: PayPal and IBAN bank transfer (euro zone) accepted.
Lista ei välttämättä ole kaikilta osin ajan tasalla. / The list might not be completely up to date.
Kiinnostuneet distrot voivat ottaa yhteyttä / Interested distros please contact sudenmarja.julkaisut@gmail.com.